Study: Student/Faculty Relationships on Facebook

Here is an study on student/faculty relationships on Facebook. It is authored by Hewitt and Forte at Georgie Tech, and outlines a project that is currently at the half-way mark. The first part of the project involved a survey of students regarding their attitudes about faculty participation in Facebook. It included a set of questions designed to rate the their interactions with faculty through Facebook, and also the specific question, “Should faculty be on the Facebook?”

ELI07: Interactive Theatre

Today we had the University of Colorado at Boulder Interactive Theatre Troop perform for us. It was amazing on a couple of levels. I should explain that interactive theatre is (as I understand it) an experience where the actors engage in a short play, then stay in character while audience members ask questions and interact with them.

First, in general, interactive theatre seems so powerful, and I could see us using it across the Division. Health Promotions used to have a small group that did something like this, but I think it’s been several years since they did this. I’m wondering if we could run something like this out of University Theatre. John McIlwee’s could recruit, train, supervise and otherwise manage the students in the troop, and then units in the Division could request their use on any number of topics. It could be run as a for-credit course. Imagine being able to portray student experiences and issues (like GLBT issues, race issues, rape and sexual assault, alcohol ab/use, talking to faculty….the list is endless) to other students to education them. Or to staff (Student Affairs, and other staff on campus).

Second, specifically, the troop performed a piece called “Facebook” and it was phenomenal! It’s one thing for DSA staff hear me blather on about online social networking, or to hear “experts” discuss the issues during our panel last January. It is a completely different thing to hear students talk about their experiences (quasi-) first hand. I say “quasi” because it is acting from a script, but the script is written by students and the director and it is acted by students. It was truly so life like. Key concept: students now have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. It’s a pain to keep up with, but they are addicted…and/or don’t want to seem lame to their “friends” and others. Students (both in character and out) described it as a procrastination activity…but they loved keeping up with people from different and past circles of their lives.

It was fabulous! I’m going to see if they will share their script. I’d love to have this performed somehow for our Division/campus.