I was interviewed at the ELI 2007 Fall Focus Session, which is an EDUCAUSE initiative. Here is the podcast of that interview, which is a summary of the presentation I made at this event. Materials from my presentation (and all the other presentations as well) are now available. There are a number of other podcasts from this event available as well; look for the ELI07netsavvy tag.

Electronic Medical Records

Kudos to Student Health Services for a succesful implementation of their new electronic medical records system. This incredibly challenging project improves service for students and inreases efficiency for staff. Here is a nice review by the Technician. Student Affairs is proud to be the home of a department that continues to push forward with appropriate use of technology to serve our students.

Word from my Student Affairs colleagues is that has shown up at UNC-W events in an effort to generate material for their website, and may be looking to do the same on other campuses. I’d be interested to know if anyone here at NC State has had interaction with anyone from this organization.  This would be the type of website we include in educating our students about the consequences of their actions out in cyberspace…all part of helping our students (and ourselves) become Net Savvy